Sisters Helping Sisters Social Organization for Women ‘She’ro in the Community’ Yearly Award has been a huge success. We are accepting nominations for your She’ro in the Community 2024…..She could be the woman you look up to or admire the most for the unacknowledged work she does and/or her community involvement that goes unnoticed.
It is up to you to make that person shine by sending an email to Often times, their efforts and hard work goes unnoticed and the Sisters would like to award one special lady for the work she does in our community by recognizing her as our ‘She’ro in the Community’ for 2023. Emails sent should include the nominee’s name, address, phone number and in 125-250 words, please explain why you would like for your nominee to be selected and what has she done in the community.
If your nominee is selected, she will receive an award, flowers, and some extra goodies for her faithful service in the community. She will be recognized as Sisters Helping Sisters Social Organization for Women, Inc. She’ro in the Community, 2023.
We thank you for all your support. Please help make this a success by sending your emails. Nominations will be accepted until midnight October 28th. We are looking forward to recognizing your She’ro in the Community in December.
2024 She'ro in the Community
2015 She'ro Winner First Lady Terrain Edwards 2017 She'ro Winner Ms. Deborah Gerrard-Allen
MOMA ELOISE BROXTON Matriarch July 16, 1932-October 28, 2012
Our Original She'ro
Momma E joined the organization in 2007 and was truly a mother to each and every one of us and even though her physical body is gone, her spirit, love, devotion and laughter lives in each of us. She loved the Lord and taught us how to love each other through the love that we have for Him.